Working One to One
From Anxious to Relaxed and Confident
One to One Package
Rise with Me
Tailored Packages
3, 6 or 12 month Packages are available – Limited Spaces
Thinking of working one to one? This is where we really get to focus on what hypnotherapy work is right for you and when to introduce it at the right time. So if you would prefer to be guided through this experience, if you’ve tried to feel better on your own and it’s just not working, or you don’t know where to start, let me help you. We can do this together. Weekly sessions, tailored hypnotherapy tracks, wrap around support at the end all make our packages easy, special, and personalised to YOU.
Not sure where to start, and would prefer some expert guidance? I’m right here to help. We can do this together. Working one to one provides the benefit of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, giving you and your mind a fuller picture of support and specifically chosen hypnosis. You can relax knowing that your journey will unfold at just the right moments when your brain is ready to hear and receive those messages because I will be taking out the guesswork for you.
Supportive hypnotherapy tracks to aid your transformation will be personally created for you, along with weekly sessions that keep you on course, building new, better responses, reactions and behaviour that are more in keeping with the YOU you want to be. It gets to be easy, it’s gentle and super effective. Not only that, we don’t focus on the past, but instead look at where you want to be, how you want to feel, so that each week you leave feeling like this is more and more possible. Because it is.
As our packages are tailored, so is creating the right plan for you. To discover what length of package is advised for you, please book a New Beginnings Session. It’s always best to start at the very beginning! This gives us a chance to deep dive into what you’d like to use Hypnotherapy for, and for me to explain the science behind it all, in relation to your issues. We lay the foundations. And all good houses are built on firm foundations.
Book your New Beginnings Session (2 Hours) – £250
The benefits of one to one:
3, 6 or 12 month Packages are available – Limited Spaces
- You get my undivided attention, helping you focus on your goal, with weekly sessions.
- Packages are bespoke, personalised to you and your journey.
- Downloadable hypnotherapy tracks appropriate to support your transformation.
- Online via zoom or face to face at my clinic in Sowerby Bridge.
Rise with me and book your New Beginnings Session to start your journey..
Packages are tailored to your needs and can be paid in full or in instalments at no extra charge to best suit you.

Fertility and Pregnancy
One to One Package
Flourish with Me
Tailored Packages
3, 6 or 12 month Packages are available – Limited Spaces
Want to flourish but want someone to help you get there. No problem. Growing a family can be daunting, and if you’ve had difficult experiences in this area quite often we have mental blocks that can be hard to overcome. Will I miscarry again? Will I ever get a positive test result? Will there be a heartbeat? I know how painful all of these questions are, and actually trying to not think them can be near on impossible. I can work closely with you to help you overcome these doubts, move forwards despite any trauma, and feel positive about the future.
Our one to one packages are tailored to you and your needs. In order to consider what length of package may be right for you, I need a bigger picture of where you’re at, because the package needs to be built specifically for you. In order to do that, we book a New Beginnings Session so we can go through where you’ve been, where you want to get to, and then we look at how we can achieve that as I explain exactly how our body and mind align, and why they often don’t. Everyone is different, which is why every package is different, it’s also very flexible, because it needs to be. My sessions with you will alter depending on where you are in your cycle, where you are mentally, and what you best need from me in that moment. It gets to be fluid, so I’m always meeting you wherever you’re at.
Our brain is wired to learn from mistakes, and then avoid them. That can be very tricky if you’ve had a difficult previous birth, or we get upset each month when pregnancy doesn’t happen. Our brain wants to keep us safe and one way of doing so is to avoid the same experience. Even though we may be trying to get pregnant, if there’s a part of you that’s worried about what will happen when/if you do, the body can release hormones to sabotage success. Hypnotherapy works wonders with overcoming mental blocks so that the body and mind can be aligned with the same message that falling pregnant is safe to do, and something that’s wanted. Working with the subconscious we can rewrite patterns of thought/worry and look at ways to reduce stress so that hormones work for you, and not against you.
With working one to one, I will guide you each week with what is relevant and appropriate for you personally, working around your ovulation if you’re actively trying, your IVF harvest, egg implantation or at keys stages of pregnancy. I can take the guesswork out of the experience and just let you get on with enjoying the journey, because it gets to feel special.
So what’s included?
- You get my undivided attention, helping you relax and let nature take it’s course, with weekly sessions.
- Packages are bespoke, personalised to you and your journey.
- Downloadable hypnotherapy tracks appropriate to support success.
- Online via zoom or face to face at my clinic in Sowerby Bridge.
Flourish with me and book your New Beginnings Session to start your journey..
Packages are tailored to your needs and can be paid in full or in instalments at no extra charge to best suit you.

One to One Package
Rebalance with Me
Tailored Packages
3, 6 or 12 month Packages are available – Limited Spaces
Want my undivided attention, support and guidance? You’ve got it. My one to one packages are personalised for you, with appropriate hypnotherapy tracks to meet your individual needs, and weekly sessions to really focus on that habit forming – creating new responses, reactions and behaviours that feel more aligned with the YOU inside. We get to work with your subconscious in a tailored way so that change is focused on what’s important to you, giving you more autonomy and a sense of control.
Clients come to me with peri-menopausal symptoms that are impacting their life, but what we actually work on is EVERYTHING. You can’t get happier just at work, because you’ll automatically get happier at home, with friends, and family too. You won’t just get more motivated at the gym, because you’ll find you feel more motivated in every area. These changes will ripple into everything. We get to be holistic, and all encompassing. You get to feel brand new.
Our packages are tailored, and so is creating the right plan for you. To discover what length of package is advised for you, please book a New Beginnings Session – because it’s always best to start at the very beginning! This gives us a chance to deep dive into what you’d like to use Hypnotherapy for, and for me to explain the science behind it all, in relation to your issues. We lay the foundations. And all good houses are built on firm foundations.
Here’s what working one to one gets you:
3, 6 or 12 month Packages are available – Limited Spaces
- You get my undivided attention, helping you focus on your goals and issues, with weekly sessions.
- Packages are bespoke, personalised to you and your journey.
- Downloadable hypnotherapy tracks specifically created to support your transformation.
- Online via zoom or face to face at my clinic in Sowerby Bridge.
Reclaim yourself and book your New Beginnings Session to start your journey with me..
Packages are tailored to your needs and can be paid in full or in instalments at no extra charge to best suit you.