From Anxious to Relaxed and Confident
Feeling physical symptoms of anxiety can be awful. Perhaps you’re noticing palpitations/rising panic, IBS symptoms, or irritability with those closest to you. You’re likely to be feeling exhausted, possibly not sleeping well, your mind on a loop in the middle of the night.
Maybe you’ve always felt this way.
Or maybe it’s brand new.
Either way, it doesn’t have to be the norm, and life doesn’t have to feel this hard.

The Science
Why is this happening?
The hormones cortisol and adrenaline are to blame for those anxious feelings. Now, in the right doses, at the right time, these hormones can be quite useful.
‘Slept through your alarm? A small dose of cortisol and adrenaline will help you speedily get dressed and out to work.’
‘Working to a deadline? Small amounts of stress hormones may help you be more productive.’
However, there can be times when our stress hormone production stays on continuously, or is released in higher quantities. Our brain having decided that many ordinary things are actual threats. This leads to us living our life with anxiety.

Why can't I just stop it?!
The brain likes to work by following patterns of behaviour. That’s wonderful if those patterns are healthy and they make you happy. But when those patterns include worry, not sleeping, and having anxious behaviour or symptoms, we can quickly find ourselves on repeat with that. This can be hard to tackle and manage on your own without outside help.
How Hypnotherapy can help you.
Hypnotherapy gently helps to reset any wrongly coded messages of threat. By working with the subconscious, we can also create changes of behaviour so that you’re able to live life exactly the way you’d like to.
- Without worry.
- Without panic.
- Without excessive thoughts and planning.
- Freedom to be you.

How I can support you
One to One Packages
Rise with Me
Tailored Packages
3, 6 or 12 month Packages are available – Limited Spaces
Thinking of working one to one? This is where we really get to focus on what hypnotherapy work is right for you and when to introduce it at the right time. So if you would prefer to be guided through this experience, if you’ve tried to feel better on your own and it’s just not working, or you don’t know where to start, let me help you. We can do this together. Weekly sessions, tailored hypnotherapy tracks, wrap around support at the end all make our packages easy, special, and personalised to YOU.
Not sure where to start, and would prefer some expert guidance? I’m right here to help. We can do this together. Working one to one provides the benefit of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, giving you and your mind a fuller picture of support and specifically chosen hypnosis. You can relax knowing that your journey will unfold at just the right moments when your brain is ready to hear and receive those messages because I will be taking out the guesswork for you.
Supportive hypnotherapy tracks to aid your transformation will be personally created for you, along with weekly sessions that keep you on course, building new, better responses, reactions and behaviour that are more in keeping with the YOU you want to be. It gets to be easy, it’s gentle and super effective. Not only that, we don’t focus on the past, but instead look at where you want to be, how you want to feel, so that each week you leave feeling like this is more and more possible. Because it is.
As our packages are tailored, so is creating the right plan for you. To discover what length of package is advised for you, please book a New Beginnings Session. It’s always best to start at the very beginning! This gives us a chance to deep dive into what you’d like to use Hypnotherapy for, and for me to explain the science behind it all, in relation to your issues. We lay the foundations. And all good houses are built on firm foundations.
Book your New Beginnings Session (2 Hours) – £250
The benefits of one to one:
3, 6 or 12 month Packages are available – Limited Spaces
- You get my undivided attention, helping you focus on your goal, with weekly sessions.
- Packages are bespoke, personalised to you and your journey.
- Downloadable hypnotherapy tracks appropriate to support your transformation.
- Online via zoom or face to face at my clinic in Sowerby Bridge.
Rise with me and book your New Beginnings Session to start your journey..
Packages are tailored to your needs and can be paid in full or in instalments at no extra charge to best suit you.

Wonderful Wellness Bundle
This 8 track Hypnosis Bundle would suit anyone who is wanting to make positive changes within their life. Experts say that success in life is 99% mindset, and this is where Hypnosis comes into it’s own. So whether you’re wanting to feel more confident, calmer, motivated or assertive, these are perfect for the DIY-er and especially wonderful for supporting those in their continual journey of rediscovery. Everything is here for you to take steps into your most positive self at your own pace. Use these 8 Hypnosis tracks as a way of maintaining or creating your new way of being.
Here you get to take control of your journey by practising self care and prioritising your mental health and wellness. For this one off fee, you have access to an array of wonderful supportive hypnosis tracks, that utilise the power of hypnotherapy and create change for you in an easy, independent way. The hypnotherapy downloads are specifically created to offer a broad range of support that you may need day to day, so you can tap into whatever is relevant at the time.
We are always putting others first. Always last on our list. Purchasing this Wonderful Wellness Bundle gives you the opportunity to change that, and that’s a super powerful message to your brain before you’ve even started.
Here’s what you get:
- Two morning mantra’s to kick off your day the right way in the shortest amount of time so you can crack on with your day!
- Two Foundation tracks that will really provide you with a staple track to initially work from. One that focuses on creating change, and one that promotes calm. You decide which one to start with
- Four Additional tracks that complete your toolkit.
- Confidence, Adventure and Letting Go
- De-stress and Go Forth
- Decrease Stress, Increase Confidence
- Moving On
Sound right up your street?
£97.00 One Off Cost with Lifetime Access.

Not sure what's best?
Book a free discovery call and I’ll guide you to what you need.